Perennity AccessBox
- CategoryIT Healthcare Solutions
- Subcategory
IT Healthcare Solutions
- Code00000,
Imagine a tiny box that fits in your hand. Take it with you wherever you go, unpack it, plug it to your network and power it on. You now have an “All-in-One” running solution available to TRANSFER, SHARE, and PROTECT all your DICOM images out of the box. The AccessBox will securely send your studies from any digital modality directly to any other AccessBox anywhere, making them instantly available to any DICOM Workstation in your clinic or home network for diagnosis. No need for high cost initial investment of VPN’s or dedicated lines. AccessBox has been designed to work on a standard Internet connection! Additionally, hundred of thousands images can be stored in the AccessBox’s built-in storage and can be also replicated to your local storage or to a remote location, like a remote Diagnostic center, PACS and/or your private facilities.

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